Thursday night I received a phone call from Alliyah's teacher. I was confused because Allie is always so good, I couldn't imagine why her teacher would be calling! It was a good phone call though, her teacher was calling to invite us to the school assembly where Alliyah would be receiving an award. She was awarded with the "Overall Character Counts Award"! The award is for being responsible, caring, fair, respectful, being a good citizen, and for being trustworthy! The award was a surprise for her too!
Ray, Justin, & I headed to the assembly the next morning [Dae-Dae was in class]. We were [are] so proud of her! Of course she wasn't fond of standing in front of the school, but she made it through!
Killin' a few minutes before the assembly

Allie & Haylee

I posted these pixs all backwards ... dang it!
After her award & shortly before she realized we were there!

After she got her award ... she booked it back to her seat, lOl!

So serious ... the assistant principal & principal

Less then amused, lOl!

You can double click the award to read all the marvelous things her teacher had to say about her ... just bragging a lil! =)
* You can click it to make it bigger & read all the awesome things her teacher had to say about her! =) Yup, bragging just a lil!